About the Artist

Owner and artist LouAnn Wukitsch formed Salt and Light Studios in 2015 after spending many years in the worlds of advertising, corporate marketing and art consulting. Salt and Light Studios is located in Fort Myers, Florida, a sunny destination city just south of the burgeoning “glass coast” of Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota. LouAnn continues to broaden her knowledge of fused glass techniques through instruction from nationally and internationally acclaimed artists.
"When I take a moment to look at the world — really step back and become an observer — I am overwhelmed with how our Creator packed so much beauty into the backdrops of our everyday. It is there that I find inspiration — in the gnarled old tree that grows along the river, in a gentle waterfall cascading out of a rocky crevice, in shimmering coastlines, in the swirl of the leaves on a blustery autumn day. My intention as an artist is to reinterpret those images into works of glass for people to enjoy, and in my own small way to make the world just a bit more beautiful."